Bizz and Weezy begin one day when Jonathan (Bizz) walked into his job, he was IT at the time, that day his desk was packed for him, his final check was in his box and he was back out the door about 15 minutes later.
This was the catalyst that lead us to wanting more control over our destiny then relying on someone else to provide us a paycheck, but it would take us a few more years to decide what we wanted to do.
We used to love to make cookies, fudge and other treats for Christmas presents, and give them out to family and friends. But that year a friend approached us asking us to make them something we didn’t have planned to make that year. As we turned him down, they explained that they wanted to pay us to make the item so they could give it as a Christmas gift from them.
That interaction solidified what we wanted to do for a business, and after Christmas that year we started building a professional kitchen in our basement.

Where did you get the name???
When we first started the company, we had not luck thinking of a name. Honestly, we spent over 6 months trying to find a name, and putting our name on the business just didn't feel like us. We wanted to the name to represent who we where, not just be our name.
So for 6 months we polled our friends and family for names to no avail. During this time, we played this game called World of Warcraft.
You gotta understand you don't just play this game, you live it. At this time in our lives we where playing 40 - 60 hours a week with our friends. Each weekend we would have a large group of or friends online and each weekend for 6 months we would ask our friends the same question. Does anyone have any idea's for a name for our business.
One day one of or friends, frustrated at us asking him weekly, was like for the love of god, will you just call it Bizz & Weezy and leave me alone. And suddenly we fell in love with the name.
It fit us perfectly, we had a name that wasn't us, but that was us. You see the name was our game handles combined. So in the game our online names where Bizz & Weezy. It was perfect for us. 2 online gamer's who loved making chocolate.